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I went to the annual Tori no Ichi held at Shinjuku Hanazono Shrine this year! At the Tori no Ichi market, you can buy a lucky charm called a rake. Our company has also carried the burden of good fortu …


千葉で乾燥機の入れ替えしてます!! We are currently replacing the dryer at coin laundry. Please contact Laundry Heaven for any problems you may have, such as replacing coin laundry equipment, renewing your store, or s …


Today we are replacing the waterproof sheet on the floor, installing a washing machine pan, and adding a sneaker washer and dryer. The recent rise in utility costs has had a significant impact on the …

replacement work for a coin laundry at a hotel in Shinjuku Ward.

We carried out replacement work for a coin laundry at a hotel in Shinjuku Ward. We started after the customer checked out and completed the installation by check-in time! If you are considering instal …


I want to come to Kita Ward! We renovated a room in an apartment without a bath in Kita Ward and installed a coin shower. A public bath in the neighborhood had gone out of business, and the residents …

Construction meeting

Construction meeting at the planned coin laundry site.This time, we will not have a dryer, but only a washer/dryer.Thanks to you, Laundry Heaven has been with the coin laundry for 50 years.

[Why is it better to install two sneaker washing machines and two dryers when running a coin laundry in the future?] ①More people are going out of their way to come to the coin laundry if their sneakers can be washed. ②If there are at least two units of something you think is good, sales …


コインランドリーEXPOに参加してきました。 『最高月商350万、年間売上3千万超えのコインランドリーの成功事例』というセミナーが会場に入れないくらい超パンパンで人気でした。 目新しい物と言えば 敷布団まで乾燥ができる40キロの乾燥機や ふとんなどのコイン式真空圧縮機 台数が少ない現場でもコード決済やカード決済ができる簡易端末、 コインランドリーとの相乗効果が見込める洗車機や掃除機、 クリーニング …

千代田区 ホテルに一体型洗濯乾燥機導入


11/14 ビジネスフェア出店 渋谷ヒカリエにて

11/14 火曜日ヒツジのマークでお馴染みの洗濯天国。 渋谷ヒカリエにて西武信金主催第23回ビジネスフェアに参加しま〜す!! 人手不足で悩み、コインランドリー無人ビジネスに興味がある方 各種、税制優遇を絡めて新規事業に投資を考えの企業の方 すでにコインランドリー事業を行なっていて、新機種に入替を考えている方 ぜひご来場くださいませ!

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