今回の店舗は開業から30年経過、 トラックにもぶつけられ 色もされ、破れてしまいテントの骨もサビてしまい骨組みから交換が必要になりました。10年ひとくくりと言いますがテントの色がされてきたりした段階でテント骨組みの塗装、テント張替えを行っておきますと出費が抑えられます。
Owners are worried about where to go to ask for help because their tents are discolored or torn. We will help you select a tent in a color that matches the atmosphere of your store, and also come up with a logo. Thirty years have passed since the store opened, and it has been hit by trucks, discolored and torn, and the frame of the tent has rusted, so the frame had to be replaced. You can save money by painting the tent frame and re-tiling the tent once the color of the tent has changed. For inquiries about tent design proposals, re-upholstery, etc., please contact the store front desk.
Please contact Laundry Heaven Co., Ltd.!