コインのオペレーションはもちろんですがキャッシュレス決済、領収書発行などB to Bを意識した店舗設計になっております。



We plan to operate this store using only the latest washer/dryers and sneaker washer/dryers.In addition to coin operations, the store is designed with B to B in mind, including cashless payments and receipt issuing.There is no need to return the money used in the exchange machine, and the operation can be completed with a minimum amount of exchange money.The expansion of payment methods will contribute to sales by appealing to customers who do not yet use coin laundry facilities.When considering the latest smart coin laundry operationsPlease continue to make strides in building reliable stores.A well-known brand that not only cleans your clothes but also your heart.Please contact Laundry Heaven Co., Ltd.!
- 投稿タグ
- BtoB, キャッシュレスコインランドリー, スマートな決済, 領収書発行可能